Source code for compsoc.profile

Voting profiles

import sys
from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations
from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Optional

import numpy as np


[docs] class Profile: """ A class to represent a voting profile as a set of tuples, where each tuple consists of the number of occurrences and a ballot (an ordering of the candidates). For example, a Profile object with the following data: votes = Profile({(17, (1,3,2,0)), (40, (3,0,1,2)), (52, (1,0,2,3))}) means 17 people like candidate 1 the most, then candidate 3 in the second position, then candidate 2 in the third position, and so on. Attributes: pairs (Set[Tuple[int, Tuple[int, ...]]]): A set of pairs (number of votes, ballot). candidates (Set[int]): A set of candidates in ballots. total_votes (int): The total number of votes. net_preference_graph (Dict[int, Dict[int, int]]): Represents the net preference graph. votes_per_candidate (List[Dict[int, int]]): The total votes for each candidate per rank position. """ def __init__(self, pairs: Set[Tuple[int, Tuple[int, ...]]], num_candidates: Optional[int] = None, distorted: bool = False): """ Initializes a Profile object with a set of pairs and an optional number of candidates. :param pairs: A set of pairs, each containing the number of occurrences and a ballot. :type pairs: Set[Tuple[int, Tuple[int, ...]]] :param num_candidates: An optional integer representing the total number of candidates. :type num_candidates: None# | int, optional """ self.pairs = pairs # num_candidates might be passed when a file with voting data is parsed # otherwise get candidates from ballot of first pair if distorted: if num_candidates is None: raise Exception("for distorted profile, you must specify the number of candidates") self.candidates = set(range(0, num_candidates)) else: self.candidates = set(range(0, num_candidates)) if num_candidates \ else set(list(pairs)[0][1]) # Sum the frequencies of all the pairs self.total_votes = sum(pair[0] for pair in pairs) # Create a Net Preference Graph self.__calc_net_preference() # Set votes_per_candidate for Plurality self.__calc_votes_per_candidate() # Initialize a Path Preference Graph self.path_preference_graph = {candidate: {} for candidate in self.candidates} # --------------------------------------------- # Comparison routines # ---------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_net_preference(self, candidate1, candidate2): """ Computes the preference between two candidates according to the net preference graph. :param candidate1: The first candidate to be compared. :type candidate1: int :param candidate2: The second candidate to be compared. :type candidate2: int :return: The preference value of candidate1 over candidate2. :rtype: int """ # Get the preference of candidate1 over candidate2 return self.net_preference_graph[candidate1][candidate2]
[docs] def does_pareto_dominate(self, candidate1, candidate2) -> bool: """ Checks if candidate1 is preferred over candidate2 in all ballots. :param candidate1: The first candidate to be compared. :type candidate1: int :param candidate2: The second candidate to be compared. :type candidate2: int :return: True if candidate1 is preferred in all ballots, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ # A boolean list as candidate1 preferred preferred = [] for pair in self.pairs: if (candidate1 in pair[1]) and (candidate2 in pair[1]): preferred.append(pair[1].index(candidate1) < pair[1].index(candidate2)) if len(preferred) == 0: return True return all(preferred)
[docs] def score(self, scorer) -> List[tuple[int, float]]: """ Returns a list of candidate scores according to a specified scoring function. :param scorer: The scoring function (e.g., Borda, Copeland). :type scorer: Callable :return: A sorted list of tuples (candidate, score), ordered by candidate ID in increasing order. :rtype: List[Tuple[int, float]] """ scores = [(candidate, scorer(self, candidate)) for candidate in self.candidates] # Sorted by candidate id in increasing order scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return scores
[docs] def ranking(self, scorer) -> List[tuple[int, float]]: """ Returns a list of candidate rankings according to a specified scoring function. :param scorer: The scoring function (e.g., Borda, Copeland). :type scorer: Callable :return: A list of tuples (candidate, score), ordered by score in descending order. :rtype: List[Tuple[int, float]] """ # A list of (candidate, score) scores = self.score(scorer) scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Ranking is the score list ordered by score in descending order return scores
[docs] def winners(self, scorer): """ Returns a set of candidate winners according to a given scoring function. :param scorer: A scoring function (e.g., Borda, Copeland). :type scorer: callable :return: A set of winning candidates. :rtype: set """ ranking = self.ranking(scorer) # get ranking best_score = ranking[0][1] # get best score first tuple in ranking # Filter ranking to get all best score bests = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == best_score, ranking)) # Get only the candidates winners, _ = zip(*bests) # Return a set of winners return set(winners)
@staticmethod def __preference(num_votes, candidate_1_index, candidate_2_index) -> int: """ Computes the preference between two candidates and returns the preference according to the number of votes. :param num_votes: Number of votes. :type num_votes: int :param candidate_1_index: Index of the first candidate. :type candidate_1_index: int :param candidate_2_index: Index of the second candidate. :type candidate_2_index: int :return: The preference value. :rtype: int """ n = candidate_1_index - candidate_2_index # Exception: if n is equal to 0, preference is 0, # otherwise preference is num_votes * sign(n) return 0 if n == 0 else num_votes * np.sign(n) def __calc_net_preference(self): """ Create a Net Preference Graph for the voting profile. """ candidates = list(self.candidates) num_candidates = len(candidates) self.net_preference_graph = {candidate: {} for candidate in candidates} for i in range(num_candidates): candidate_1 = candidates[i] for j in range(i, num_candidates): candidate_2 = candidates[j] # Preference list preferences = [] # For each pair of voting data for freq, ballot in self.pairs: # If both candidates are in the ballot if candidate_1 in ballot and candidate_2 in ballot: candidate_1_index = ballot.index(candidate_1) candidate_2_index = ballot.index(candidate_2) pref = self.__preference(freq, candidate_2_index, candidate_1_index) preferences.append(pref) # save preference # Computes the preference preference = sum(preferences) # Save preferencess # candidate1 VS candidate2 self.net_preference_graph[candidate_1][candidate_2] = preference # candidate2 VS candidate1 self.net_preference_graph[candidate_2][candidate_1] = -preference def __calc_votes_per_candidate(self): """ Computes the total votes for each candidate for each rank position. """ # Initialize structure to save the scores self.votes_per_candidate = [] # Number of candidate n_candidates = len(self.candidates) # For each candidate for i in range(n_candidates): self.votes_per_candidate.append( {candidate: 0 for candidate in self.candidates}) # For each ballot's candidate, add votes for freq, ballot in self.pairs: # for distorted ballots if i not in ballot: continue self.votes_per_candidate[i][list(ballot).index(i)] += freq # self.votes_per_candidate[i][ballot[i]] += freq def __calc_path_preference(self): """ Computes paths' strengths for the Schulze method. """ # Create an iterable for candidates candidates = list(self.candidates) # Number of candidates n_candidates = len(candidates) for i in range(n_candidates): # Get candidate1 candidate1 = candidates[i] for j in range(i + 1, n_candidates): # Get candidate2 candidate2 = candidates[j] # Get strengths of candidate1 VS candidate2 strength1 = self.__calc_strength(candidate1, candidate2) # Get strengths of candidate2 VS candidate1 strength2 = self.__calc_strength(candidate2, candidate1) # Save strengths self.path_preference_graph[candidate1][candidate2] = strength1 self.path_preference_graph[candidate2][candidate1] = strength2 def __calc_strength(self, candidate1, candidate2): """ Computes the weakest link of the strongest path between two candidates. :param candidate1: Origin candidate. :type candidate1: int :param candidate2: Destination candidate. :type candidate2: int :return: The weakest link of the strongest path. :rtype: int """ # Find possible paths between candidate1 and candidate2 paths = self.__calc_paths(candidate1, candidate2) # Get strength for each path (weakest link) strength = list(map(min, paths)) # Return the strongest strength return max(strength) def __calc_paths(self, candidate1, candidate2, candidates=None): """ Computes the possible paths between two candidates. :param candidate1: Origin candidate. :type candidate1: int :param candidate2: Destination candidate. :type candidate2: int :param candidates: Set of candidates excluding the origin candidate, defaults to None. :type candidates: set, optional :return: A list of possible paths between candidate1 and candidate2. :rtype: list """ # Check if candidates exists if candidates is None: candidates = self.candidates - {candidate1} paths = [] # list of possible paths path = [] # list of weights # For each candidate that is not candidate1... for candidate in candidates: # Get preference of candidate1 over candidate preference = self.net_preference_graph[candidate1][candidate] path.append(preference) # save current weigth # End of path if candidate == candidate2: paths.append(path) # add to possible paths path = [] # start a new path else: # path isn't over new_candidates = candidates - {candidate} subpath = self.__calc_paths(candidate, candidate2, new_candidates) # For each subpath (list of weights), # concatenate with current path and save it for weights in subpath: paths.append(path + weights) # Return a list of possible paths between candidate1 and candidate2 return paths def _build_graph(self): """ Build a graph for the Kemeny-Young method. Adapted from """ n_candidates = len(self.candidates) ranks = [] for freq, ballot in self.pairs: for i in range(freq): ranks.append(list(ballot)) ranks = np.array(ranks) edge_weights = np.zeros((n_candidates, n_candidates)) for i, j in combinations(range(n_candidates), 2): preference = ranks[:, i] - ranks[:, j] h_ij = np.sum(preference < 0) # prefers i to j h_ji = np.sum(preference > 0) # prefers j to i if h_ij > h_ji: edge_weights[i, j] = h_ij - h_ji elif h_ij < h_ji: edge_weights[j, i] = h_ji - h_ij return edge_weights
[docs] @classmethod def parse_voting_data(cls, file_path): """ Parses a voting data file and creates a Profile instance. :param file_path: Path to the voting data file. :type file_path: str :return: A Profile instance. :rtype: Profile """ if file_path[-3:] != "soi": raise EncodingWarning("The extension has to be .soi") pairs = [] num_candidates = None with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[0] == "#": if "NUMBER ALTERNATIVES" in line: # Parse lines like: "# NUMBER ALTERNATIVES: 379" num_candidates = int(line.split(":")[1].strip()) else: num_voters, order = line.split(":") ballot = tuple(order.strip().split(",")) pair = (num_voters, ballot) pairs.append(pair) if not set: print("No votes found in file") return cls(pairs, num_candidates=num_candidates)
[docs] @classmethod def ballot_box(cls, choices): """ Creates a VotingProfile instance from a list of ranked candidates. :param choices: A list of ranked candidates, i.e, [(voter's 1 ranked candidates), (voter's 2 ranked candidates), (voter's 3 ranked candidates), ...] :type choices: list of tuples :return: A VotingProfile instance with the set of (number of votes, candidates ranked). :rtype: VotingProfile """ vote_counts = Counter(choices) pairs = [(count, choice) for choice, count in vote_counts.items()] return cls(set(pairs))
[docs] def distort(self, ratio: float): """ Alters a profile to generate an incomplete or "distorted" profile, the ratio must be in [0., 1.[ ratio=0 means no distortion at all, and ratio=1 indicates all ballots only keep the first candidate (just a convention) """ num_candidates = len(self.candidates) num_to_remain = round(num_candidates * (1 - ratio)) if num_to_remain == 0: num_to_remain += 1 # Cut the ballots self.pairs = set((pair[0], pair[1][:num_to_remain]) for pair in self.pairs) # Calculate the occurence of each ballot again result_dict = {} for pair in self.pairs: if pair[1] not in result_dict: result_dict[pair[1]] = pair[0] else: result_dict[pair[1]] += pair[0] self.pairs = set((value, key) for key, value in result_dict.items()) # Create a Net Preference Graph self.__calc_net_preference() # Set votes_per_candidate for Plurality self.__calc_votes_per_candidate() # Initialize a Path Preference Graph self.path_preference_graph = {candidate: {} for candidate in self.candidates}
def __str__(self): ballot_distribution = "Ballots:\n" + "\n".join( [f"\t{pair[0]} instances of ballot {pair[1]}" for pair in self.pairs]) candidates = "Candidates:\n\t" + str(self.candidates) total_votes = "Total number of votes:\n\t" + str(self.total_votes) pref_graph = "Preference graph:\n\t" + str(self.net_preference_graph) return "\n".join( [ballot_distribution, candidates, total_votes, pref_graph])